A Night To Remember
Places please, five minutes until the curtain goes up!
The Room 10 students in the middle syndicate at Nayland Primary rustle their way to the front of the stage at the Nayland College hall to start singing ‘Wings Of Your Dreams’.
When they have finished the big audience claps as they move back to their places on the stage. Room 7 do their piece.
It is our turn on stage. Keayla, the narrator runs up to the front. I move to my place. As the narrator says her words the glow worms dance starts. Suddenly, I’m not Emma Charles, I’m a glow worm in the night searching for food. Then thunder cracks and trees start to move forward.
Tane (Tom) lifts the sun and life comes to Earth. The rivers come back to their place. Then birds start to flutter through the forest, the music’s funny, so the crowd roars with laughter, then the morepork sound goes on as we move back to our spot. I watch the magic before me.
When the curtain closes I pull off my black rubbish bag. It has been the best night ever!
By Emma
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