We went to the camp in Bridge Valley.THERE WAS..............a water-slide,a go-cart,a flying fox that went over the lake,orienteering,kayaking,caving and lots more that take too long to write down.My favourite was the water slide,I loved whizzing down,using my hands to make me go faster.I can remember having to go to ballet and missing out on going kayaking But lucky we have a kayak at home.The caving was hot too.So we or I got hot.I got to stay over night because I'm a year 4.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Bridge Valley Camp
We went to the camp in Bridge Valley.THERE WAS..............a water-slide,a go-cart,a flying fox that went over the lake,orienteering,kayaking,caving and lots more that take too long to write down.My favourite was the water slide,I loved whizzing down,using my hands to make me go faster.I can remember having to go to ballet and missing out on going kayaking But lucky we have a kayak at home.The caving was hot too.So we or I got hot.I got to stay over night because I'm a year 4.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Going To The Snow
Sunday, September 12, 2010
How to make a rocket Bookmark
How to Make a Bookmark
What you need:
Yellow, orange, blue, dark blue,red, cloudy paper, a pen, a glue stick.
How to make it! 5cm
Cut a 20cm piece of light blue paper.
Cut a 5cm point on the top. It looks like this:
Cut a 3cm circle. Make 2 more out of orange.
Cut a second circle 2cm like this:
Glue the small one to the big one. Glue both on the rocket.
Cut a shape like this 2cm.
Cut three yellow sticks, two for the sides and one for the bottom.
Glue them on.
Make a small triangle to stick in the middle.
Stick it in the middle.
Make two rocket busters.
Glue them on at the bottom.
Now write: The ______________
Write your name on the line.
By Emma
Monday, August 23, 2010
The Variety Show
A Night To Remember
Places please, five minutes until the curtain goes up!
The Room 10 students in the middle syndicate at Nayland Primary rustle their way to the front of the stage at the Nayland College hall to start singing ‘Wings Of Your Dreams’.
When they have finished the big audience claps as they move back to their places on the stage. Room 7 do their piece.
It is our turn on stage. Keayla, the narrator runs up to the front. I move to my place. As the narrator says her words the glow worms dance starts. Suddenly, I’m not Emma Charles, I’m a glow worm in the night searching for food. Then thunder cracks and trees start to move forward.
Tane (Tom) lifts the sun and life comes to Earth. The rivers come back to their place. Then birds start to flutter through the forest, the music’s funny, so the crowd roars with laughter, then the morepork sound goes on as we move back to our spot. I watch the magic before me.
When the curtain closes I pull off my black rubbish bag. It has been the best night ever!
By Emma